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Succulents and Cacti - Plants for sleek and modern interiors

Succulents and Cacti - Gathering Thoughts

We all need a bit of greenery in our lives. That connection with nature that we lose when we live in the city centre; we can regain it by using plants as home décor. Introducing fresh flowers or small plants like Snake plant, Aloe or Succulents.

However, modern interior design trend demands for sleek simple lines, a neutral colour palette and lots of light. So how exactly can we introduce plants to small modern flats? Do not worry because we have the perfect combination.

If you want to stick to the modern trend but love plants, the best option for you are Succulents and Cacti! With their geometric shapes, small size and original colours, we can easy combine them with white cabinets or glass tables.

Succulent and cacti terrarium - Gathering thoughts

How to take care your plants

Firstly, we definitely do not want to have to explain to our friends that we keep changing the plants because we are able to kill a cacti or a succulent. Believe me, it is difficult enough for me to have to explain that I killed a bamboo stick!

But do not worry, here is the guideline to take care of this fool-proof plants.

Succulents: They require four hours of sunlight daily, it can be direct or indirect. Most succulents only need to be watered every 7 or 10 days; but it is better to check the soil and only add water when the top part of the soil feels dry. And never soak the soil, only moister it.

Cacti: They required four hours of direct sunlight a day. Generally, cacti only need water once a week, and once every other week during the winter months. As well as the succulents, you only need to moist the soil and not soak it.

Find some inspiration:

Succulents and cacti are an absolute trend, as they mix perfectly in every interior design style, but especially for Modern and Scandinavian styles.

Both plants do not require much space to grow and they mix well together, therefore are the ideal plants to create a little ecosystem.

Instead of using the standard planters, get creative! Here you have some examples:

Source: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Glass terrariums are a must!

Glass terrariums are a really versatile way to decorate any room. You can design a small ecosystem of succulent and cacti combine with sand and stones to create a really attractive mixture of textures, and it generates a connection with nature.

Also this little terrariums are portable, so you can move them around according to the plants’ sun requirements or just for fashion. But the most important thing is that it looks amazing in modern and sleek interior design.

What do you think about succulent and cacti? I am definitely getting a terrarium.

Find more inspiration on my Pinterest board!


Puede resultar difícil combinar un interiorismo moderno y de líneas puras con plantas, pero todos necesitamos un poco de verde en nuestras vidas. Asique atrévete con la nueva tendencia en plantas para interior y descubre como decorar con cactus y suculentas.

Tanto los cactus como las suculentas son muy fáciles de mantener, incluso para mí que soy pésima con las plantas. Además puedes crear unas combinaciones preciosas con suculentas y cactus, sobre todo si utilizas recipientes de cristal o terrarios.


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Alba Soria Casanova - ASCasanova blog

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I am Alba and here is where I gather my thoughts about design and lifestyle. I really hope you enjoy the reading.

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Alba Soria Casanova - ASCasanova blog

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