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Gathering Thoughts blog - ASCasanova - design post

How to avoid a cookie-cutter interior design

Cookie cutter design - Gathering thoughts

If you are looking for a home makeover and you are checking magazines after magazine, blog after blog; be careful you do not want to finish with a cookie-cutter design. We all have been there, you fall in love with a design and you just want to stick to it; scare of changing anything in case it won’t look as nice.

So at the end, you just end up frustrated because you cannot find the same products and when is finish, it doesn’t feel like home any more. You achieved a cookie-cutter interior design that doesn’t show your personality.

You need to ask yourself, if someone you do not know visits your home, can he get a feel for who you are? If your answer is a complete no, you need to rethink your design. Because your home should be a reflection of how you are, it is your space and you need to feel it that way.

Show your personality with home decor

Think about your style and your hobbies, about what you love, your mementos, and your favourite colours; and try to implement them in the interior design that you want to achieve from the magazine.

A good idea is to start with a neutral interior design, with the furniture that you like, either eclectic or Nordic or even minimalist. And when you have your canvas ready (as in the magazine), then add your personal touch.

neutral interior design - cookie cutter design

Example of a neutral interior design (source)

I know that you do not want to overdo it, but relax, to integrate your hobbies in your style, the key is to be subtle. If you are a sport fan, maybe you can incorporate some wall decoration. Or if you are a Harry Potter fan, you can play with the colour palette of Hogwarts houses in some home accessories, for example in throw pillows.

design for bicycle lovers

Example of a subtle but efficient design, starting with a neutral background. (Source)

Try to visit different shops, from high street to second hand, as you never know what you may find. Also, check some online shops for original pieces, especially in Etsy where you would be able to find all sort of personalise home accessories.

If you are not sure on how to start and need more inspiration, check my Pinterest board, and share your ideas in the comments below.


Uno de los peligros de seguir las tendencias en interiorismo es que puedes acabar con una casa de revista, pero totalmente impersonal o copia de tantas otras. A todos nos pasa, nos gusta un estilo y nos da miedo salirnos de él, pero al final es un riesgo que hay que tomar para tener un hogar y no solo un piso. La principal pregunta que tienes que hacerte es: cuando alguien nuevo visita tu casa ¿pueden saber cómo eres? ¿Es tu hogar una muestra de tu personalidad? Si la respuesta es ‘No’ tienes que replantearte el diseño.

Una buena idea es empezar con un diseño neutro y sobre el añadir tus toques personales. La clave está en ser sutil, y no sobrecargar la estancia. Piensa en tus hobbies y en cómo integrarlos en el diseño, si te encantan los deportes busca laminas para decorar las paredes, si eres un fan de Harry Potter utiliza los colores de las casas de Hogwarts para dar toques de color, por ejemplo en los cojines del sofá. No te centres en las tiendas más populares, visita tiendas de segunda mano y tiendas online para encontrar piezas únicas. Pero sobretodo, arriésgate, porque es tu casa y tiene que representarte a ti no a la revista de turno.


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Alba Soria Casanova - ASCasanova blog

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I am Alba and here is where I gather my thoughts about design and lifestyle. I really hope you enjoy the reading.

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Alba Soria Casanova - ASCasanova blog

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