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Winter Wedding - Ideas to decor

Winter wedding ideas - Gathering Thoughts

You may not know, but I am getting married next year. So obviously, I am constantly checking Pinterest to find some inspiration on how to décor, what colour palette to use, and all sorts of DIY ideas. However, when you spend hours seeing beautiful pictures you can end up with a headache and lots of stress on how to put all this ideas together. So I have decided to create a series on blogs on Events Decorations to help you organise your ideas (and also mines).

Today, as winter is approaching quickly, I decided to talk about Winter Weddings and how to plan your decoration for this season.

I thinks winter is a magical season to get married, especially if you are lucky enough, and it snows! Or at least it is for me, as in Valencia (Spain) it doesn’t snow at all… Also, winter has a plus, because a lot of places will be already decorated for Christmas, so you can save a little bit in decorations.

However, if you want to avoid the traditional Christmas looking with reds and greens everywhere, it can be a bit harder. But do not despair, below I give some ideas for a winter wedding with an elegant and original decoration.

5 décor ideas for a winter wedding

Combine greens, whites and blues, avoid bright reds. (Source)

Winter wedding - colour palette

Fairy lights to illuminate your way. (Source)

Winter wedding - outside fairy lights

Play with candles. (Source)

Winter wedding - candles decor

Decorate with branches. (Source)

Decorate with branches - Winter wedding

Create a cosy chill out area. (Source)

Cozy and warm - winter wedding

After this post, I totally understand why winter weddings are becoming more and more popular over the years. If a wedding is always magical, in winter is something special and unique. If you are still deciding which season is better for you, consider winter as a strong candidate, unless you want an outside wedding.

Let me know in the comments below if you like winter weddings!

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Alba Soria Casanova - ASCasanova blog

Hi there!

I am Alba and here is where I gather my thoughts about design and lifestyle. I really hope you enjoy the reading.

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ASCasanova's Design
Alba Soria Casanova - ASCasanova blog

You can find my shop (ASCasanova) with a wide range of products available, from fashion apparels, accessories or home décor. All my products are printed and shipped worldwide directly to you.

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