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New Year party decoration ideas

New Year party decoration

We are at the end of the year and most of our holidays dinner parties are over, but we still have one more chance to create the perfect festive party. If you are in charge of creating the last party of the year, today I give your some tips on how to create an original New Year party decoration.

If you have been in charge to organise a last minute diner party, do not worry! I am here to help you.

Follow this easy 5 steps to organise the perfect New Year’s Eve party and find some inspiration to create the most original decoration.

5 Steps to prepare a New Year’s Eve party

  1. Create a budget for the party and stick to it.

  2. Prepare the food menu in advance, it doesn’t matter if it for a full three dishes dinner party or an original buffet party.

  3. Make sure you have enough serving dishes, either for a formal or informal dinner party, you would need to have them organise and ready to use. But of course count for more people that you have invited, because there are may be surprise guests.

  4. Get ready all the necessary items for the New Year’s traditions. If you are in Spain, you would need a gold ring, some red underwear and grapes!

  5. Create the WOW factor with the decoration. It is a party so you are allow to go crazy and find some bold and original accessories to decorate your home.

Get inspired for your holiday decoration

Now that you have all this inspiration, what are you waiting for? Get your home ready for New Year ’s Eve and don’t forget to share your project with me on Instagram or Pinterest.

Happy New Year! I hope you all have an amazing year.

Remember than in 2017 you would get tons more of inspiration from Gathering Thoughts J and more cool designs from me in all my ASCasanova design’s shops. See you next year!


Todo el mundo pone muchas expectativas en la cena de año nuevo. Al fin y al cabo es la última cena del año y queremos que quede perfecta. Si esta vez te ha tocado a ti organizarla, no te preocupes, hoy te doy unos sencillos consejos para que todo salga perfecto. Además de unas originales ideas de decoración que dejaran a tus invitados boquiabiertos.

Primero ponte un presupuesto y cíñete a él. Prepara el menú con antelación, ya sea para una cena de tres platos como para un sencillo bufet. Asegúrate de tener platos y cubiertos suficientes para los invitados y posibles sorpresas que aparezcan. Ten preparado todo lo necesario para los rituales de año nuevo, no quieres que algún invitado de culpe de su mala suerte durante el año. Y por último, crea el factor sorpresa mediante la decoración; es una fiesta de año nuevo asique permítete crear algo novedoso y original.


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Alba Soria Casanova - ASCasanova blog

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I am Alba and here is where I gather my thoughts about design and lifestyle. I really hope you enjoy the reading.

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Alba Soria Casanova - ASCasanova blog

You can find my shop (ASCasanova) with a wide range of products available, from fashion apparels, accessories or home décor. All my products are printed and shipped worldwide directly to you.

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